Investor Awareness Programmes



The following activities we have undertaken for the betterment of the student fraternity

Investor Awareness Programmes

(Physical and Webinars):-

The main objective of Investor awareness programme is to give knowledge about the practical working of stock market. We also cover the topics like stock market, mutual funds, RBI monetary policy, Derivatives market, Gold as an Asset class apart from Indian Economy and World Economy. During the lecture practical terminal is shown and also important websites about stock market, sip calculator are shown to students. Those who cannot attend physical sessions for them, we also arrange webinars so that even working persons on weekends can attend and take practical knowledge.

In the last 6 years we have conducted more than 2500 sessions and trained more than 10,000 participants all over India. During lock down we conducted webinars for variety of participants.

This activity has resulted into large number of new clients getting added to the stock market. In March 2020 the total number of demat accounts were 5.23 crore and now in 2024 it is at 14.80 crore.

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Investor Awareness Programmes, Study Visits, Faculty Development Programmes, Internship for the students and for Project work guidance